May 4, 2009

Jenny McCarthy Inks Deal With Oprah

Following in the footsteps of TV personalities like Rachael Ray and Dr. Phil, Jenny McCarthy is next in line to join forces with media mogul Oprah Winfrey.

According to Entertainment Weekly, McCarthy signed a multi-year development deal with Oprah's Harpo Productions, which will include the creation of her own syndicated talk show.

McCarthy, an outspoken advocate for children with autism, has been a frequent guest on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" and recently launched her own blog on called "Give It Up Before Summer."

Twitterers offered their opinion on the deal:

  1. David Stejkowski

    DirtLawyer Jenny McCarthy inks Oprah TV deal. Hopefully she'll stick to advocacy and avoid giving bad medical advice.

  2. Jackie Garcia

    JacksNoel ummmmmmm oprah is giving jenny mccarthy a show. major fail.

  3. Ben Saunders

    BenSaunders @oprah Great work signing Jenny McCarthy on for a talk show. Now she can spread her misinformation to a national audience!

  4. Kelly Olexa

    KellyOlexa Oprah Winfrey to Launch Jenny McCarthy Talk Show OMG!! As if we need YET ANOTHER TALK SHOW. Are you kidding me? Dear God

  5. aminatou

    aminatou oprah is giving jenny mccarthy a talk show. here's to hoping she brings back the classic mid 90s "relationship-based" talk show, singled out

  6. Zoe Richmond

    zoerich Oprah Winfrey to Launch Jenny McCarthy Talk Show. Wohooo, LOVE JENNY!

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