April 20, 2009

Exclusive: Melissa Rycroft's Real Twitter Account

Yes, "Dancing With the Stars" contestant Melissa Rycroft has a Twitter account. And, no, it's not @MeLi_Ry or @MeL_Ry or @OfficialMelissa.

In a statement given exclusively to Breaking Tweets Entertainment, Rycroft has empowered publicist Penelope Jean to set the record straight. Jean says, "Someone is running a fake Melissa Rycroft account on Twitter. It is no joke as this person has copied all of her personal photos and videos off her Facebook page and are using them on the copycat Twitter account. The use of these photos is unauthorized and fraudulent."

Advocating for Rycroft, Jean says she is concerned because "this person is a liability to Melissa's good name and reputation."

Our research showed that some Twitterers have been duped by the fake accounts:

  1. Kelsey Stroud
    _iDANCE19 PLEASE follow @MeLi_Ry. [Melissa Rycroft] thanks guys :)
  2. Karen
    MistralWinds @MeLi_Ry So, are you the real or are you faking to be Melissa Rycroft.

But others are actively working to spread the truth:

  1. Kendra
    KayKay18 @ABC_DWTS Will you pass the word that the real Melissa Rycroft is http://twitter.com/MelRy217 Thanks!
  2. Angelica Travaglio
    Bella1689 The real Melissa Rycroft's twitter account is MelRy217!!! Meli_Ry is a fake!!
    MOMMY42MUNKEYS is wondering why people try to act like someone else..fyi u Melissa rycroft fakers!! BE YOURSELF NOT SOMEONE ELSE!
  4. Lauren Cooper
    Laurencoop16 @flgal44 meliry isnt realy melissa rycroft

Jean (@penelopejean) sought out Breaking Tweets on Rycroft's behalf because she wants "to stop this violation. This is what social media is for, what Ashton Kutcher (@aplusk) spoke of in his race to a million victory speech. Melissa has herself been fighting this battle. A few people are Tweeting about it. But the fake is talking with other celebs as if she is Melissa and that is deceitful and needs to stop."

According to Jean, Rycroft--who is also know for her appearance on "The Bachelor"--has only one Twitter account: @Melry217. You can see Rycroft say it for herself in the video below. Let the following and unfollowing begin!

Kelly Clarkson releases new video

Kelly Clarkson's video for her latest single, "I Do Not Hook Up" has hit the web.

While MTV didn't give it the greatest review, Twitterers were very enthusiastic:

  1. Ryan LeBlanc
    Axed84 LOVING Kelly Clarkson's new video for her latest single, "I Do Not Hook Up"...that fall off of the bar counter looks like it might've hurt!!
  2. iLUVmydecember(ex)
    clarksonfan GOOO VOTE FOR I DO NOT HOOK UP ON VH1 TOP 20
  3. paulina.
    untilyouremine_ Ahaha. Wow I never knew Kelly Clarkson had a video for I do not hook up.
  4. Andrea
    andie1204 is LOLing so much at Kelly Clarkson's new video!!!
  5. Laysha Duran
    ayumitakashi Loving the Kelly Clarkson "I don't Hook up" video. All her songs are cool. Hope she makes videos of most of them on there.
  6. Natsumi Tasico
    japaneseNCMT watchin Kelly Clarkson sing My Life Would Suck Without You http://tinyurl.com/cu9k2r it's awesome 4 3/4 out of 5...cool

Fox Starts New Series, Offers 'Arrested' Apologies

In a promo for its new animated comedy, "Sit Down Shut Up," Fox apologized for prematurely canceling cult favorite "Arrested Development."

The spot urged viewers to tune in for "Sit Down" instead. But according to The Hollywood Reporter, the show had a disappointing start.

Twitterers were disappointed as well:

  1. Tiffany Gladson
    tiffanygladson Sorry Fox, but I'm not so sure Sit Down, Shut Up is going to make up for what you stole from me (Arrested Development).
  2. fishpen0
    fishpen0 Sit Down, Shut Up so far looks like a terrible show and in no way makes up for Fox canceling arrested development.
  3. Michael Zavala
    michaelzavala Fox FINALLY apologizes for canceling Arrested Development! 'Bout time FOX! http://bit.ly/x7mNj

Stephen Hawking Hospitalized

World renowned author and scientist Stephen Hawking was hospitalized today and is "very ill," CNN reports.

Hawking suffers from ALS, more commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease. Though he is wheelchair-bound, Hawking has defied the odds and survived much longer than most ALS patients.

Many Twitterers expressed get well wishes:

  1. Hueina Su
    HueinaSu Please #pray4 Stephen Hawking who is very ill. http://tinyurl.com/dbo3hp
  2. Damian Wilkey
    D4MO “When one's expectations are reduced to zero, one really appreciates everything one does have” - Stephen Hawking. Get well soon, Sir
  3. Lauren DeMichiei
    LShay prayers and good vibes for Stephen Hawking, he's only 67 and has much more to bring to the world. #stephenhawking
  4. Lisa G.
    lisa_goodfellow the next celebrity to die?? no, not lindsay lohan, stephen hawking....huh?
  5. David Gordon
    davidcgordon Get well Stephen Hawking.

Miss North Carolina crowned Miss USA 2009

The Tar Heel state can add another champion to its list. First UNC wins the NCAA tournament and now Miss North Carolina USA is crowned Miss USA 2009. The Associated Press reports Kristen Dalton, of Wilmington, beat out Miss California USA Carrie Prejean, of San Diego, second runner-up Miss Arizona USA Alicia-Monique Blanco, of Phoenix, and 49 other contestants to claim the crown.

The 21-year-old earns a year's use of a New York apartment, a public relations team, a two-year scholarship at the New York Film Academy and an undisclosed salary. Dalton will also head to the Bahamas to compete in the Miss Universe Pageant.

Twitter users are excited for Dalton:

  1. Herman Sim
    hermansim The girl in Blue takes the crown... yay Kristen Dalton of North Carolina. The underdog
  2. heelsqtpie is really happy that Kristen Dalton has become the 2nd MISS NORTH CAROLINA to be become MISS USA. --- THAT'S TWO IN 4 YEARS
  3. Joyce Lin
    mszjoycii congrats to kristen dalton from north carolina!!
  4. JannellLeigh so proud my childhood friend, Kristen Dalton, just won Miss USA!!!! http://www.missuniverse.com/missusa/members/profile/239

Miss USA aired live on NBC from Las Vegas. Contestants were judged by their performance in swimsuit and evening gown modeling contests and answering questions onstage. The Miss USA pageant does not include a talent portion. Judges included Kelly Monaco, Perez Hilton and Holly Madison. The show was hosted by Billy Bush and Nadine Velazquez.

During the question and answer portion, Miss California USA stumbled through her response to a question about legalizing same-sex marriage, posed by Hilton. Prejean's response earned both cheers and boos from the audience. You can see her answer in the YouTube clip below.

Some Twitterers support Miss California in her beliefs:
  1. Tiffany Dunn
    tdunn24 Why is Perez Hilton still cry'n over Carrie Prejean's response??? YOU GO GIRL!! Itz a free country and propz for be'n honest!!
  2. Clint Clifton
    donkeyinabox I'm proud of Carrie Prejean
  3. Rick Trevino
    ricktrevino Miss California USA Carrie Prejean, of San Diego was attacked unfairly by Perez Hilton JUDGE...Christian values under attack. Tbone snds
  4. HilaryKennedy
    HilaryKennedy I am supporting Carrie Prejean. Seems to me Perez Hilton is intolerant, not the other way around....
  5. Leah Bartelt
    leahkaybar I support Miss California, Carrie Prejean!

Others were less than pleased with her response:
  1. subratabanik
    subratabanik miss cali, carrie prejean, emerges from under a rock, undergoes plastic this & plastic that & yapps out the most puritanical bigoted answer
  2. Tiffany Dunn
    tdunn24 Why is Perez Hilton still cry'n over Carrie Prejean's response??? YOU GO GIRL!! Itz a free country and propz for be'n honest!!
  3. Pete N. Retweet
    petenretweet RT @iHEARTjennart Leave it to Carrie Prejean to give California an ugly face.
  4. John Lee
    johnlesandiego Lord have mercy, Carrie Prejean is just the latest right wing nut job from San Diego, along with Daryll Issa & Randy Duke Cunningham
  5. Andrew
    ranggrol Carrie Prejean, if that is your real name, are you serious with this "opposite marriage" thing? Can't wait to see Colbert's take on this.

"Grey Gardens" Premieres on HBO

The much-anticipated "Grey Gardens" movie debuted on HBO this weekend, starring Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange.

The TV movie follows the eccentric lives of Little Edie (Barrymore) and Big Edie Bouvier Beale (Lange), who were two of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis' relatives. "Grey Gardens" is a companion piece to the Maysles' brothers 1975 documentary of the mother-daughter duo, which has a huge cult following.

Several tweeters can't seem to get enough of HBO's most recent biopic:

  1. treasurehuntres
    treasurehuntres Loved Grey Gardens-Edith&Edie Beale story on HBO~ great performances by Lange and Barrymore. Could only tell it was Drew once! #Grey Gardens
  2. bethperrydesign
    bethperrydesign Watched Grey Gardens movie this weekend - fantastic. See beautiful photos of the house and gardens here: http://tinyurl.com/cq4gwr
  3. jjmonster
    jjmonster @ucmytwitts HBO + Grey Gardens + Drew Barrymore + Jessica Lange = priceless
  4. Lindsey Horan
    lindseyhoran Watched Grey Gardens last night. Very good! http://www.hbo.com/films/greygardens/ Now, I need to watch the actual documentary.
  5. Tracy Denmark
    TeaCake68 Saw "Grey Gardens" with D. B'more. Drew did an excellent job. Now I want to see the 1976 version.
  6. Chad Jones
    chadsjones Loved, loved, loved the HBO "Grey Gardens," so much better than the musical. Barrymore, Lange brilliance.

Oprah cancels Columbine episode

The 10th anniversary of the Columbine shootings in Littleton, Colo. is today and Oprah Winfrey was going to air a special episode titled "10 Years Later: The Truth about Columbine." After viewing the episode, Winfrey has decided to cancel the airing saying it focused too much on the killers, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold said the Associated Press. Winfrey's company, Harpo Productions, confirmed the announcement.

Some Twitterers support Winfrey's decision:
  1. Shanna Stewart
    shanna503 @Oprah I think that is very thoughtful of you!
  2. Kathy Riordan
    katriord So @oprah cancelled her Columbine show today and announced it on Twitter. That's actually a good use of Twitter, and probably a good call.
  3. Maggie Noble
    maggienoble @Oprah can't even imagine what the families have gone through. Good move on your part. ; )
  4. Cheryl LaVergne
    twogirls612 @Oprah Thank you - I think too much emphasis is placed on the event rather than the victims.
  5. Linda Rutherford
    umalum @Oprah Your consideration of the victims and their families is what makes you a special TV personality!
  6. Paisano®
    Paisano I applaud @Oprah for canceling special show on Columbine. The names of Killers should never be mentioned again. http://bit.ly/18yotY

While others feel the update would have been useful:
  1. kelley taylor
    Msbluntmaster @Oprah You do such GREAT WORK LADY "O", I do hope you decide to show the Columbine show at a later time!? Can't believe it's been 10 years:(
  2. Kellie Zimmerman
    zum31 I was looking forward to trying to understand Columbine better,maybe? But,I understand Oprah's reasoning
  3. brittharris
    brittharris Just saw that Oprah pulled the Columbine show for today. Was really looking forward to that show. Oh well, wonder what will go in its place.
  4. Dusty Lee
    dustyballz I think it's a bummer oprah cancelled her columbine show. I didn't know about it until now, so I would have missed it anyway.
  5. diane
    surfcitymom @Oprah you pulled the show? I was planning on catching this show just to see how people are processing Columbine; how are folks coping?

An episode slated for Tuesday on a mother being released from prison after three years will air instead. Winfrey urges everyone to keep Columbine in their thoughts today.

Ten years ago, Harris and Klebold went on a shooting rampage killing 12 of their classmates and a teacher. They also injured 23 others before turning their guns on themselves. The attack is the fourth deadliest school massacre in the U.S. and the deadliest for a high school.

Coachella Rocks All Weekend

The annual Coachella Music and Arts Festival concluded Sunday after three days worth of performances from M.IA., The Cure, The Killers--even Paul McCartney.

Coachella represents the first successful music event of 2009 in light of tough economy, reports the New York Times.

Said promoter Paul Tollett: “Anyone that has a business in 2009 is just trying to make sure that you dodge a bullet. But this went beyond that. We’re super happy.”

Twitterers seemed just as pleased:

  1. thefunkylama
    thefunkylama Coachella is being amazing. These bands and people are what dreams are made of.
  2. Brett Carlson
    BrettSCarlson the sunday night sunset at coachella is amazing
  3. erickas
    erickas is having the time of my lfe (dirty dancing reference intentional) at Coachella.
  4. Darcy Marie
    Dar_C_Marie on the way back from the coachella party... this weekend was dope
  5. Durrell
    Durrellojello Coachella is complete for me. YYY's killed it. The Cure will be the cherry on top. Roni Size the whipped cream.