April 28, 2009

"American Idol" Top Five Perform Rat Pack Standards

The final five contestants on "American Idol" sang classic Rat Pack era standards for tonight's performance show. American Music Award winner Jamie Foxx appeared as the guest mentor and told Kris Allen, the first to perform, "You're my number one!"

The judges were also fans of Allen tonight, with Randy Jackson saying his version of "The Way You Look Tonight" was his "best yet". "Idol" devotees tweeted their agreement (even though they got the spelling of his name wrong!).

  1. jasonscottadams
    jasonscottadams If I was a chick, I'd stalk Chris Allen. He was spectacular tonight. Wow. Best performance yet for him on AI.
  2. mltolbert
    mltolbert #Chris #Allen is really talented. Yes, this is good. I would definitely buy the album.
  3. Olga Mariela
    omarilu was wowed by Chris Allen...
  4. rory kalmar
    RotoKantus was just watching American Idol.... I loves me some Chris Allen

Allison Iraheta performed "Someone To Watch Over Me," to mostly good reviews from the judges, but Simon Cowell said she was a 7 out of 10 and told her, "I have a horrible feeling you might be in trouble tonight." Allison fans in the Twitterverse responded by encouraging others to vote for her.

  1. Nastia Liukin Fan
    Nastialiukinfan @AllisonOfficial Allison, you were amazing. I've been voting for you the whole time. gotta keep voting! =]
  2. Heather Gauthier
    girlyheather Watching American Idol! People vote for Allison...she is amazing and only 17!
  3. alexandra sklansky
    sklansky Go Allison. She can watch over me :). #americanidol
  4. Gabriella Medina

Matt Giraud's performance of "My Funny Valentine" got mixed reviews from Twitterers as well as the judges, with Randy calling him "pitchy" and Simon saying he was "brilliant."

  1. Amanda
    CompanyWoman Ok America, I am seriously tired of having to mute and fast forward through Matt Giraud. Please make it stop. #americanidol
  2. Stephanie Gelletta
    stephgelletta I just voted for Matt Giraud 480 plus times, SWEET!
  3. Hal Fuquay
    azbigdaddy Matt Giraud was fairly good. Just nothing special. No breakout moment or anything memorable. 3 key changes in one song? #idol
  4. Kara M
    KaraMofay Dear Matt Giraud, thanks for BUTCHERING one of my favorite songs of all time.

Danny Gokey had a "stellar" performance, according to Paula Abdul. Tweeps also raved about his rendition of "Come Rain or Come Shine."

  1. Hal Fuquay
    azbigdaddy Finally, Danny Gokey stepped up and WHAM! he hit it out of the park. What a great job he did. He used all he had to give and it paid off.
  2. Rachel Gorman
    RaeGorman Yes, i agree with Paula. They were all great but still love it when Danny Gokey sings them tunes!
  3. Jason Perkins
    jdperkins1369 just finished Idol.. Danny Gokey is amazing!
  4. jason rajtar
    rajtar Danny Gokey ROCKS! Wish I had half his voice...so does my wife.

Adam Lambert closed out the show with a rock version of "Feeling Good." Abdul called him the "Michael Phelps" of the contest and most Twitterers also thought he was tonight's champ.

  1. Michelle Tarin
    WickedPhx98 OMG Adam is so good, I like that it had the Michael Buble kinda vibe/take on it. He so has this competition in the bag!!!!
  2. worldtweeter
    worldtweeter @patrickem Love him or hate him, Adam Lambert is very talented and artistic. I think he is in a class all by himself.
  3. Michelle Rowen
    michellerowen Thought Adam's performance on idol was a smidge too campy for me, but he really can do no wrong.
  4. Rob Bishop
    RobBishop1 American Idol: Danny was really good. But, yet again, Adam blew it out of the water with his very dramatic and unusual interpretation.

Ryan Seacrest also revealed next week's theme on his Twitter tonight, prompting responses from his followers.

  1. Ryan Seacrest
    RyanSeacrest next week theme is rock and roll on idol btw...what r u doing i'm having a cold smoothie for dinner
  2. Leslie
    livelyleslie @RyanSeacrest I'm excited for next week. Yay. Thanks for telling us the theme. :)
  3. Amanda Sales
    Scamandalous @RyanSeacrest Are they going to sing two songs each next week?
  4. Howard Cohen
    HowardCohen @RyanSeacrest If next week's American Idol theme is rock, they HAVE to keep lil rocker Allison! Adam Lambert, of course, will kill 'em.

Tomorrow night, the contestant with the lowest votes will be sent home. Be sure to come back here to see how the Twitterverse responds!

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