April 21, 2009

Barbara Walters Loses "Twitter Virginity"

Veteran journalist Barbara Walters became the latest public figure to get a Twitter account.

The View co-host announced on yesterday's show that she caved in to public pressure and curiosity. In recent weeks, Twitter has frequently been a "hot topic" on the show, with Babs admitting she knows hardly anything about it.

And based on her on-air tweeting, it seems she still doesn't.

Some Twitterers were happy to see that she joined while others were less than thrilled:

  1. Robert Fernandez
    Robbieftw Once you see Barbara Walters with a Twitter, you know the world is consumed. I love it!
  2. nichole honer
    nichole17 barbara walters has twitter. my life is complete. we're going to be best friends.
  3. Mario Cruz
    foofaroni Barbara Walters is on Twitter? Is Donald Trump next?
  4. Jennifer Sonnen
    jennthejelly Old People Alert! Barbara Walters has a twitter. @barbarajwalters
  5. Nicola H.
    SnowVsAsphalt Barbara Walters has a Twitter. Ugh. This is as bad as when my friends' parents started joining Facebook.
  6. Craig Lonas
    craiglonas threw up in his mouth because Barbara Walters said she was losing her "twitter virginity"
  7. MichelleIsbell
    MichelleIsbell I just heard that Barbara Walters joined twitter. I'm not a fan but I may follow her for the curiosity factor...
  8. Suzanne
    SuzSo Barbara Walters is on Twitter as of this morning ... Tell me we haven't jumped the shark. ;)
  9. BiddyMcBidson
    BiddyMcBidson oh sweet niblets! barbara walters is on twitter now? the cool factor of twitter just dropped
  10. Esther Sepahi
    canadamerican Just watched The View from yesterday where Barbara Walters signed up on Twitter and sent her first tweet. Rock on Barbara

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