May 7, 2009

Kiefer Sutherland Turns Himself In

Kiefer Sutherland, the star of Fox's 24, turned himself into the NYPD today, reports E! News. Sutherland was charged with one count of misdemeanor assault for allegedly head-butting fashion designer Jack McCollough at a party Tuesday after the Met Costume Institute Gala.

Unfortunately for Sutherland, this could mean more time in jail. He's still on probation from a 2007 DUI case in Los Angeles, where he spent nearly 50 days in prison. The courts in L.A. will have to determine if this misdemeanor is in violation of his parole.

Twitter users shared mixed reactions:

  1. Jimi
    jsfour Kiefer Southerland is a badass.
  2. John
    magaman I guess Kiefer Southerland likes being Jack Bauer a bit to much
  3. Aubrey Bloom
    AubreyBloom I assumed Kiefer Southerland head butted his writer because this season of 24 sucks. But no... A fashion designer.
  4. Thaddeus Carlton
    ThaddeusCarlton Keifer Sutherland! Wake up! It's not nice to headbutt fashion designers! Or anyone else as far as that is concerned!
  5. Debbie Bartley
    debbielovesteve WHAT? Keifer arrested for defending Brooke Sheilds? Since when is chivalry against the law?
  6. Meg Stenman
    mstenman This is still the country where you are presumed innocent until proven guilty, right? Hang in there, Keifer!
  7. Wise_Diva
    Wise_Diva for pete's sake Keifer! Get it together, if 24 has to interrupt filming schedule again b/c of your tomfoolery, I'm going to egg your house!
  8. Lily Marmara
    fashion_retweet RT @sodermoto Keifer you are an idiot.... You aren't really Jack Bauer. Don't treat fashion designers like terrorists! No need for head ...

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