May 7, 2009

Seacrest Tweets "Messages for Allison"

Ryan Seacrest will be interviewing Allison Iraheta today and is asking tweeters to send messages. Iraheta, the only female left in the competition, was voted off American Idol Wednesday night.

The Twitter response was overwhelming:

  1. Daniela Paixão
    Danislytherin @RyanSeacrest Talented, I can't wait to buy your album( believe soon)Brazil loves yoU!Goddess bless her!
  2. April Thompson
    mosmommy @RyanSeacrest tell allison i love her and she is going to become a big star in the music world! Shes awsome!!
    BOWOMAN @RyanSeacrest Tell her she will have a carreer in music no doubt love ya ryan
  4. Rika Carlson
    ike_2626 @RyanSeacrest tell Allison she was ripped off! She should still be in the idol race! It was sad to see talent leave again like Daughry!
  5. Glitz
    glitzmixx @RyanSeacrest tell her she rocks and I think she nailed the song last night.
  6. LolaLola
    franticgal @RyanSeacrest bummed that Allison got kicked of AI, should have been Gokey!! Can't wait to hear her own songs on the radio!
  7. bustysherri
    bustysherri @RyanSeacrest she has that certain "it" factor like we see in Adam. It's only just begun for her! xoxox
  8. Christopher Aaron
    Chris_Aaron @RyanSeacrest please tell her we love her and she will be missed, Ryan. Her swagger and her voice were far beyond her years. Album! Now !
  9. Patrick Levenson
    patrick8394 @RyanSeacrest allison you were amazing and should have made it to the finals with adam. cant wait for your album and to see u on tour.
  10. Nitaya Chayangkura
    NitayaC @RyanSeacrest Allison is a doll and we've been privileged to have had the chance to see the gift she has.bright talent. I sound like Paula

  1. Erin Ledingham
    eledingham @RyanSeacrest good that she gave Simon a piece of her mind while she had the chance to do it face to face!
  2. Violett Fae
    ViolettFae @ryanseacrest just tell her I love her!!!
  3. supershari
    supershari @RyanSeacrest Allison, Phoenix Arizona loves you. You rock, and I cannot wait to get your album when it comes out!!! Go girl!
  4. Tara Flanigan
    GreenTeara @RyanSeacrest you should tell her that she is awesome and all us 16/17 girls are ecstatic someone is representin for us. she's magnificent!
  5. Juanita J Gwinn
    WeetaG63 @RyanSeacrest much love Allison. Keep your chin up! U should have been in final with Adam!
  6. Stephanie Bolan
    stephaneener @RyanSeacrest tell Allsion to get her album out asap because I want to buy it!!
  7. Dorri Spoto
    dorricitrus @RyanSeacrest Sending Allison my love .. ask if she enjoyed singing with Adam as much as it looked like ... they were great together!
  8. Christina McCarthy
    tinalovesmike @RyanSeacrest Ask her if she has twitter....And tell her that she will make it and that I can't wait for her album.
  9. kathryn remahl
    kikikummings @RyanSeacrest allison your an amazing singer and a real rock star cant wait to hear your first cd...we love you here in canada
  10. Georgine gentile
    gbabes48 @RyanSeacrest Just tell her she is on her way to very big and great things ,and that she is an Idol in alot of peoples minds.Peace!

1 comment:

  1. I can NOT wait until she has her own record! She'll show EVERYONE who didn't vote for her!!! she WILL make it and I can't wait... I will be looking forward to a duet with her and Adam!!!
