May 14, 2009

Ashton Kutcher Pranks CNN

Tweeters in Atlanta received a big surprise Wednesday when Ashton Kutcher, along with Demi Moore, invited them to "ding-dong-ditch" CNN founder Ted Turner's restaurant, Ted's Montana Grill.

After the dropping off nearly 800 boxes of ding dongs, Kutcher revealed a second mission: dropping a huge banner with his Twitter name @aplusk over the CNN headquarters.

The prank was the result of a challenge between CNN and Kutcher to race for one million followers on Twitter. Kutcher will also donate 10,000 mosquito bed nets to charity for World Malaria Day.

If you missed the event, posted video footage and a story.

Twitter users enjoyed the Kutcher prank:

  1. Christine Concepcion
    cdconcepcion is watching Ashton Kutcher and his ding dong ditch, FUNNY!
  2. Jake Owen
    jakeowen @aplusk ashton kutcher. definite king of twitter. done deal :P
  1. chris schuck
    yuwanttono I love that Ashton Kutcher is in Atlanta. Check out the CNN Building.
  2. Diane VanDelen
    PewterRose Ashton Kutcher aka aplusk, ya gotta love him!!! What next???
  3. Laura Dassori
    Laura013180 Ashton Kutcher is the feakin man. That was a long video but so funny
  4. da5785
    da5785 Really wish I was there to help Ashton Kutcher "ding dong" ditch CNN. The article on CNN is funny

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