May 6, 2009

"Gavin DeGraw" on Twitter not the singer

Warning: Followers of the Twitter account @Gavin DeGraw are not reading the singer's tweets, according to Said Twitterer, however, is not trying to pretend to be the singer--anymore.

The profile, under the name Gavin Jason DeGraw, claims under the “bio” section of the page that he is “NOT THE ARTIST! Guy with the same name.” The tone of his last post under that profile expressed frustration at the mix-up. Though, if you go back far enough and view his tweets from earlier in the year, as well as from the fall, he did in fact pretend to be the artist. He is now tweeting under the name @FakeGavinDegraw, his latest post reading “fake is the new real.”

Twitter users were genuinely fooled (and seemed a little saddened) by the 22-year-old from New York. Others are annoyed with the confusion and are looking out for their fellow Twitterers by warning them about what some suppose was an "impostor":

  1. Mandy Franks
    manda_sue can't believe i got had by a fake gavin degraw =(
  2. Ashley King
    ashking1 @cherilyn603 hey, unfollow gavin degraw's twitter...on his website he said it was a fake...but that he would make one eventually.
  3. adelina
    adelinky That wasn't the real Gavin Degraw. I was following a fake :[
  4. Elizabeth
    ElizabethThe Ugh, I can't believe I was fooled by a fake Gavin DeGraw. Impersonators need to get a life.
  5. Natalie
    PricingChick @sunrisepromo I got deceived by the fake Gavin DeGraw account, but I'm hoping that you'll be able to keep me informed about the real guy.
  6. Kristin Ellefson
    klellefson dear fake Gavin degraw ... no one cares please stop tweeting about how your not the real Gavin degraw

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